3 hours ago
What Can We Expect From “Third Horseman” Financial Collapse?

• In Revelation Chapter 6, Third Horseman Carries Set of SCALES
• Weighs Out How Much “Money” Needed to Buy Essentials
• “A Quart of wheat for a Denarius, and Three Quarts of Barley for a Denarius”
• TODAY — “U.S. Dollar“ — USA Govt DEBT (Treasury Bills) Used for IMPORTS
• Countries Send Us REAL Products, We “Pay” With U.S. Treasury Notes
• Every 100 Days We Now Add a TRILLION $ New DEBT
• Rest of World Now REJECTING “Dollar” - Pay Us in GOLD!
• Empty Shelves, Jobs LOST, Bank Closures, TOUGH Times Ahead
4 hours ago
The Cholesterol Scam Our brains consist of myelin. And myelin is made from cholesterol!! When you take statins (cholesterol drugs) to block cholesterol in your body, your brain starves, ends up with Alzheimers, dementia, low function problems like brain fog, slow in comprehension & reflexes. You need the egg yolks & all that Big Pharma & doctors tell you, are full of cholesterol and that cholesterol is bad, when it's the absolute opposite!!!! Stop getting their tests that they use to fear-monger you into taking these incredibly destructive pills and telling you to eat a diet that starves your brain and body from crucially important nutrients!
Alexander MacCallum
4 hours ago
#EntryLevelJobs !!! !!! !!!

Here are the top 15 entry-level jobs analyzed by Glassdoor that offer the highest median salary in 2024:

Primary Care Physician: $130,000
Pharmacist: $120,000
Software Architect: $120,000
Product Manager: $110,000
Software Engineer: $100,000
Data Engineer: $93,472
Attorney: $90,000
Hardware Engineer: $85,000
Alexander MacCallum
5 hours ago

"Weaponized 5G Pulsating Microwaves Caught in the Act While We Are ALL Sleeping! THE CRIME CAUGHT ON NEXRAD The militarization and weaponization of 4 G & 5G technology poses a serious threat to our well-being, and it is time for the naysayers to understand the gravity of the situation. I encourage everyone to seriously consider these facts and take action to protect themselves, your loved ones and your communities from the dangers of pulsating 4G & 5G microwave radiation. It is crucial that we all come together to demand the prioritization of public health. From April 16-18, 2024 NEXRAD captured intense pulsed microwave radiation blanketing the entire US, ramping up nightly. These 750 kW pulses from 159 NEXRAD towers and 160 Doppler stations emit 2.7-2.9 GHz microwave frequencies are disturbingly close to those of a microwave oven. And they're hitting us for 12-14 hours straight each night while we sleep. A growing body of research links chronic low-level microwave exposure to various health issues. It can negatively effect endocrine function, disrupting sleep and circadian rhythms. EEG studies show it alters brain activity and electrical signaling. Animal studies suggest it impairs immunity, alters heart function, and even causes misfolding of peptides - a known factor in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob (the human form of mad cow disease)! https://annavonreitz.com/e... "
Truth Trawler
21 hours ago
SOMETIMES YOU CANNOT tell people the truth.
You must show them.
Only then, at the precipice, will people find the will to change.

This is not another 4-year election.

Truth Trawler
22 hours ago
"The Georgia Court of Appeals has agreed to review the decision a trial court judge issued that allowed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis to stay on the high-profile case against former President Donald Trump so long as she took a special prosecutor off the case to avoid the appearance of impropriety."

1 day ago
Bottom line? It means the Biden regime has lied not only to America but Israel as well..
Truth Trawler
1 day ago
"He's not just confessing; he's bragging."


Janice Krako
2 days ago
Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton outlines how Special Counsel Jack Smith's documents case against Trump is a set up! Watch now: bit.ly/3WpRgXU
Janice Krako
2 days ago
Alexander MacCallum
2 days ago (E)
#FalseFlag #Gaza #genocide

"According to the official story, during a massive rocket barrage by Hamas, thousands of Hamas terrorists penetrated the most secure, most well-guarded, most technologically-advanced border wall in the world, without any real Israeli military response. Then these terrorists rampaged through Israel for the next 7-8 hours before Israel’s military finally got around to fighting back (there are reports that Netanyahu ordered the military to stand down for seven hours). We are told that this attack took Israel’s world-renown intelligence agencies completely by surprise. Does that really seem plausible?

This story makes no sense. What also makes no sense is that when the Israeli military did finally show up, the troops indiscriminately rocketed and shelled Israeli cars and homes, killing scores of Israelis. There are some estimates that most of the civilian deaths in the attack were caused by the Israeli military. It seems as though the corrupt, criminal, murderous Israeli government had to boost the death toll to create the necessary emotion and outrage for a war on innocent civilians in Gaza—just as the Israelis had to create the necessary emotion and outrage on 9/11 to convince Americans to wage war on Israel’s enemies in the Middle East...

There are reasons to believe that Israel may have finally over-played its victim card, though ???"

Hmmm... I Guess We'll All Soon Find Out..."
Alexander MacCallum
2 days ago (E)
#Gaza #SatanYahu #genocide

"Medical and rescue workers who were involved in removing the bodies of civilians from a mass grave discovered at the Nasser Medical Complex in Khan Younis town in the Gaza Strip have reported the discovery of signs indicating the removal of internal organs from the deceased.

This disturbing news was almost ignored by Western media despite its importance. Because has confirmed the suspicions that the Zionist regime of Benjamin Netanyahu since many years use the war against Gaza Strip not only to conquer it through a systematic depopulation for aiming the foul project of “Great Israel” and for seizing the Marine Gaza rich gas deposit but even for supplying the Western Black Market of human organs.

Some months ago we published on Gospa News a detailed investigation on this awful business in the Israeli military operations against Hamas. Now comes the confirmation. According to WAFA, some bodies were found with their hands tied and their abdominal cavities sewn up, raising suspicions of organ theft. The bodies were wrapped in black and blue shrouds made of plastic and nylon, which differ in color from the shrouds typically used in Gaza. Emergency officials believe this may have been done to raise the temperature of the bodies, speeding up the decomposition process and concealing evidence. The agency also notes that some of the bodies showed signs of gunshot wounds to the head, Russia Islamic World detailed..."
2 days ago
Alexander MacCallum
2 days ago

Diversity is R Strength ???

A System on the Verge of Collapse.

Smartphones, COVID-19 caused dramatic change

"Torsten Müller said the situation has changed dramatically over the past few years, and blamed smartphones and social media use for the increase in stress, exhaustion, self-doubt and listlessness.

"This has changed communication," he said. "Young people talk more about each other than to each other, and misunderstandings arise. And then we are still dealing with the after-effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which brought a significant increase in mental illness."

The months-long closure of schools is sometimes considered the biggest mistake made during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. German pupils had to stay at home for more than 180 days, far longer than in many European countries.

That has caused growing frustration among teachers, who are increasingly finding themselves mediating conflicts instead of teaching. One in three teachers often feels emotionally exhausted, and 27% said they have thought about quitting. They all said their biggest challenge is students' behavior.

President of the German Teachers' Association, has called for even more. "We need lots of people who can teach German," he said. "In addition to psychologists, administrative assistants and youth workers. But we can no longer recruit so easily. The need is getting greater and greater, but the workforce is shrinking. The whole system can no longer function li
Suzi B
2 days ago
Windy The Association https://www.youtube.com/wa...
The Association - Windy - 1967 - YouTube


Alexander MacCallum
2 days ago

"This term was coined to cement values such as human rights, tolerance, and the separation of church and state.

In 2005, German Parliamentary President Norbert Lammert attempted to redefine Leitkultur not in a German national context, but rather as an explicitly European idea. Lammert called for a discussion about a "guiding European idea" that draws on "common cultural roots, common history, and common traditions."

But the Leitkultur debate in Germany has another dimension that has a lot to do with the Germans themselves, and their history. The crimes of the Nazi regime, committed in Germany's name, destroyed all of the country's patriotic traditions, and the deep shock that ensued meant that it was decades before anything approximating a new sense of national pride could be created.

Only in 2006, at the time of the FIFA World Cup — hosted by Germany — could one finally see German flags waving in the streets without it prompting negative associations, and that was more than 60 years after the end of World War II. It was the beginning of a new, healthier sense of patriotism, one that did not arise from excessive exaltation.

In 2024, opposition leader Friedrich Merz used the term again, saying Christmas trees are part of Germany's "guiding culture."This loaded term pervades German migration debates — whether it refers to required learning or action is often unclear. It is enshrined in the CDU's new basic policy program in May 2024..."
2 days ago
Yeah, it’s all an act…
2 days ago
Why would anyone of integrity get involved in this sham, hoax and fraud of a prosecution? Especially when it involves Democrats?
Truth Trawler
2 days ago (E)
May 31, 2024.
Days away...

US Marine veteran claims to have been involuntarily recalled to Active Duty status with the Marine Corps, with a reporting deadline of May 31, 2024, by an activation letter that was signed “Your Commander-in-Chief, Donald J Trump”

VIDEO POST: ==> https://truthsocial.com/@R...
3 days ago
So much BS. Reporters are the last ones to provide or even offer accurate polling data especially six months prior to an election. The numbers aren’t even close. Trump is stomping all over Joey..
3 days ago
Who can we imagine did the training? The CIA/FBI immediately come to mind with Barack Obama in the background…
4 days ago
The fraud and lies are theirs. When did they finally arrive at this conclusion?
Truth Trawler
4 days ago
Special Counsel Jack Smith Admits Prosecutors Misled Judge in Trump Case

Alexander MacCallum
5 days ago (E)

"Why is everything always so messed up?

Not just in whatever daily obstacles people face, but in the whole world, always, predictably messed up, and it never changes. Why? With his attention fixed on this question, acquisitions and gambling faded into the background. He sat down, proverbially, and thought about it while continuing to pursue some scientific inquiries that he also had in hand at the time. And then, it happened. He saw how his scientific inquiries into brain wave functions, emotions, and frequencies of energy all dove-tailed, and were the answer to the much larger question. There are two separate frequencies associated with two emotions: 528 vibration is associated with love, 741 vibration is associated with hate. Simple as that.We unconsciously attune to these frequencies broadcast into the environment around us, or we consciously choose which frequency we operate on like choosing one radio station over another. And there you have it. The answer to why everything is always messed up. It's because we are being unconsciously manipulated into reflecting and resonating the hatred being "broadcast" into our environment, instead of consciously choosing to tune into the frequency of love, instead. So, as the ancient scriptures all tell you, you are faced with a choice. You can listen to LOVE.528 on your "radio" dial, or HATE.741. And it is entirely your choice. Choose life. Choose love.

https://annavonreitz.com/q... "
MI - 528 Hz | pure tone | Solfeggio Frequency | Transformation, Love and Miracles (DNA Repair) - YouTube

MI – 528 HzIntent: transformation and miracles (DNA repair)Tone ‘Mi’ is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. This frequency brings transf...

Alexander MacCallum
5 days ago

"Anti-war protests on college campuses are back, only this time, it's not Vietnam, it's Gaza. Just as the mainstream media back then demonized the protesters, they are doing the same today. And just as they trampled the First Amendment rights of Americans back then, they are doing it again. If you resist the idea that the death of 1,500 Israelis somehow justifies the death of 50,000 Palestinians, or you object to the idea of causing death in general, you are labeled as "anti-Semitic". It's as if the death of a Jew was somehow different and more important than the death of a Palestinian. Or had a different meaning for their friends and families. We are led to believe that Protestors are bad and Anti-Semitic and even Anti-American but what kind of "America" quashes the right to free speech, allows crooks to stay in public office, and sleeps on its laurels while every sort of injustice is promulgated by its own employees worldwide?That's not America, folks. That's the US, INC. and the USA, INC. The same parties responsible for blowing up the Nordstream pipelines just in time for winter in Europe. You may remember that Granna took less than about fifteen seconds to point the finger at these corporations as the miscreants responsible when the event happened. And here is a former CIA officer who just spoke before the United Nations... https://annavonreitz.com/t... "
INTERVIEW: The UN is afraid of fingering ‘whodunnit’. Spoiler alert, it was the USA! - YouTube

Former CIA agent Larry Johnson on naming the world’s leading terrorist to the panjandrums of the UN Security Council. It’s America guysFollow MOATS on YouTub...

5 days ago
Democrats have been committing massive voter fraud for a minimum of at least sixty years. JFK’s election was the prime example and then they (Khazarians, members of both parties through the CIA) had him killed. All because, he planned on outing them.
5 days ago
Another treasonous move by the Biden regime & NWO infiltrators in the US government. Inviting Hamas into the US, is more than an error in judgment, it’s coordinated evil..
Lucianne comment: Hamas is a cancer that destroys wherever it lands and no sane country wants to invite it into its Body Politic!!
Alexander MacCallum
5 days ago

"The German people have long known about the vast genocide committed against German Prisoners of War and civilians by the Allies following the 1945 surrender.

The Rhineland Meadows won't soon be forgotten.

The horrible tragedy of it lingers like a bad smell that won't fade or go away.

All those photos of German corpses labeled Jewish corpses, won't be forgotten, either.

This German Lutheran soldier surrendered at the Battle of the Bulge. But Ike didn't honor the Geneva Conventions. Ike was worse than the Japanese commanders during the Bataan Death March, simply because with Ike, there were no survivors.

Ike gave the orders.

There were to be no witnesses to the American and British atrocities. Prisoners were made to take the film footage and photos and then they, too, were murdered. Nobody escaped. Nobody got out alive. But 37 million Germans went "missing", and ironically, all those publicity photos Ike had taken of the mass graves he created, somewhat backfired.

Forensic photography and technological improvements like computerized facial recognition have left no doubt. The vast majority of the victims splayed grotesquely in those mass graves were Germans.

Six to one.

General Eisenhower, an American of German descent, was responsible for six times more genocide than Hitler in Germany alone. Ike demonized the German people and murdered them by the millions after they were disarmed and defenseless.

5 days ago
Apparently, he didn’t agree with current party policies and had his head handed to him..
Lucianne comment: True or not, this would never have happened to a Democrat who mouthed the party line about the southern border.
Alexander MacCallum
6 days ago

"Mia Farrow and Frank Sinatra might have only been married for two years, but the pair shared a friendship that lasted until the singer’s death in 1998.

After meeting on the 20th Century Fox lot in 1964 when Farrow was 19 and Sinatra was almost 50, they quickly fell in love. They wed two years later at a Las Vegas hotel in 1966, when Farrow was 21.

However, their union ended in 1968 after Sinatra served the actress with divorce papers on the set of her film Rosemary’s Baby. Still, that didn’t mean that Farrow and Sinatra completely parted ways. While speaking to Vanity Fair in 2013, the actress admitted that the former couple “never really split up.”

The two enjoyed a long-lasting friendship until his death, and in the years since, Farrow has paid homage to her late ex-husband on social media. In December 2023 she celebrated what would have been the singer’s 107th birthday with a sweet Instagram post captioned in part, I will always love you...

https://people.com/mia-far... "

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