Suzi B
I don't wish to be part of any political party as far as Republican, Democrat, Independent, and of course there are now other choices as well, but have to in order to vote. But I just wish there were candidates that actually stand for what I stand for and that is "Do what is right for the people and Do No Harm....... or at least be honest about how you actually vote instead of telling us you will do one thing and do the opposite. I truly in my heart feel that we the people need to enact some sort of legislation making it ILLEGAL with jail time penalties to lie to us and then vote differently than you promised they would. I very clearly remember EVERYONE swearing they would NEVER pass Obamacare. That is one of the worst things that ever happened to this country. Did anyone EVER hear any of these snakes apologize all the while they kept their Cadillac health care plans they get for free? In my heart I just cannot claim to be part of these parties.....although I can say I will always REFUSE to vote for a Democrat snake. The most honorable politician I can recall has been Ron Paul. I miss him. I like Rand Paul but not as much as his dad.
10 days ago