Today is the 91st day of the year as well is Easter...what an appropriate Psalms...
Been thinking about what the pretendadent announced yesterday...satan trying to appropriate the day and divide the nation more....notice how they pick on Christians...but I woke up this morning and I was preaching in my sleep...was strange but here is the gist of it....”God is NOT the author of confusion”...therefore the confusion over ones sex is not of God...I don’t hate gay, trans people..I love them as God does...because of that I have to tell the truth to them...Father God does not want them to suffer...Satan does...we who are filled with the spirit, have the mind of Christ and would have it that none should perish...but I urge you who walk in the power that God has given you, to step out and start binding this witchcraft/demonic spell craft being used on the people...as long as we view and accept this we put our stamp of approval on it...time to put a dead stop on this and their tactics...put on your armor warriors...celebrate but be at the ready...blessings to you all! Kitten
1 month ago
1 month ago
In response Kitten to her Publication
God is so awesome. I find myself preaching in my sleep too. I wonder if He is preparing us for the harvest. I believe that He will speak/work through us when the time is right. Also, Psalm 91 was the psalm that He commanded me to say every morning in my prayer time with Him. Happy Resurrection Day sister.
1 month ago (E)
In response DarthVaderMom to her Publication
I have this psalm written out and rolled up in decorative paper Tied with twine and hanging on my front door...I have wanted to make burlap or leather bags Decorated to hold scripture as scrolls and hang on door posts...think I will do that....Passover next month...blessings sister