The USA vs Dubai on Murder!

There Are Times to Lead, But There Are Also Times "WE" Should Follow!

Its times for Americans to take back their country and stop the pedophiles and murders who walk away from crimes that should have them physically castrated or hung!!! In #Dubai its and eye-for-an eye, you kill someone intentionally...


No monies to keep the murders alive but sent them to their judgement day in the skies!!! In the story that unfolds, with the lies that were told, a young boy's life takes by a #DEMON possessed soul. Why are taxpayers having to foot the bill, for someone who crime was another they killed. An eye-for-an-eye, like they do in Dubai, is what Americans should shout and cry!

It's time to make evil people think about what they do, make the punishment for the crime fitting and true! If the choice were up to you, should a stepmother who murders her husband child live or die?

U.S. should follow same rules as Dubai


Prime Crime: Young Boy Left Home Alone With His Evil Stepmom - YouTube

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2 months ago
2 months ago
In response 17QWorld to her Publication

How many children will die from neglect and abuse???

How many will die from by the hands of a parent on alcohol or drugs?

How long will #WETHEPEOPLE continue to pay taxes to the Corporate Government of the USA when steals the money and forgets the needs of the children and people, every day???

Every family that is on welfare should be subjected to random home visits from CPS agency and mandatory quarterly!!! If the children were being checked on what is seen in video below wouldn't happen. Not said but would suspect that almost all of the parents in the video are on welfare.

No Justice No Peace





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