3 hours ago (E)
Cocaine found in a us capital police Headquarters.
13 hours ago
15 hours ago
Small Straws

May 18, 2024: Let go of all shame and regret. There is nothing you can do to change what has been done except to admit your part in it, repent, and try to do better. Set your heart to emulate the goodness of Christ Jesus, and to treat others with the love, kindness and respect they deserve. In order to do that you must release all resentment, anger and bitterness. Choose to forgive, says the Lord. Ephesians 4:29-32 Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.
15 hours ago (E)
The War on "Earth" Between Good and Evil

There are only two sides #WETHEPEOPLE have to choose from, and one supports the "LIGHT" and CREATOR and the other supports satan.

Our words and actions expose the content of character that is either good or evil. The only people who have a problem talking about them are those who are evil

The only people who don't what to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide. Who wants the world to approve of the Gaza genocide? The #agentsofsatan who have nowhere to hide!

Who opposes the slaughter of the Muslims in Gaza? Those who stand in the LIGHT

"Multiple Attempts On My Life": Naledi Pandor Claims K1llers Have Been Sent After Her.

22 hours ago
Today is the 139th day of the year
It is 40 days after April 8th when we had the solar eclipse….
What is interesting about that is it was the 99th day of the year…or nine sequences of 11 days…
Interestingly enough that forty days included ten, eleven and twelve sequences of 11 days…
Interestingly the last sequence which would make 12 eleven day sequences was May 11, 2024….or the 132 day of the year…
7 days prior to the end of the 40 days and the 139th day being the 7th day of the week or sabbath in ancient circles….
What does this mean? Not looking for meanings…looking at cycles and rhythms….there are no coincidences
I will say this about the eclipse being a harbinger of Fathers judgement….that is what followers take it as who have seen these signs…but the world particularly the U.S. has been notified although they probably look at those who point to these signs as they looked at Noah in the day…but I say they were notified by what CERN and NASA did and who they serve the day of the eclipse…
Alexander MacCallum
1 day ago (E)
#TheBritishEmpire #GreatBritain

"So much of what we listed in the attached article was engineered by the British Crown for mercenary profit and coercive control. This tiny little island has been at the bottom of all this list and far, far more; the even smaller bastion of the Inner City of London in collusion with the City of Rome and City of Washington, DC, has ruled a hidden and criminal Empire of the City that has spanned and threatened the existence of the entire Earth. The Americans who were used to finance and provide the muscle for all this didn't even know that they were acting as mercenaries and being set up as the Fall Guys. There is no country called Great Britain; there never was. Great Britain is an international business structure cemented together by four National Trusts which have all been breached. Yet, strangely, the British Empire, a derivative of Great Britain, existing in the Jurisdiction of the Air, continues to have a life of its own nearly a century (1926) after its purported renunciation of Colonialism, peonage and slavery. Just as the Brits substituted themselves and their State of State organizations for our American State of State organizations after the so-called Civil War, and just as they are still trying to sneak into our Federal Republic and substitute their version of "a" Federal Republic for ours, they lied and never gave up Colonialism, peonage, or slavery... https://annavonreitz.com/n... "
1 day ago
Psalm 139:8-10
King James Version
8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.

9 If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea;

10 Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.
1 day ago (E)
Headline News

Trump's battle and exposure of a two-tier justice system. Judges who rule by oath and "Blind Justice," and judges who've sold their souls to protect the members of the #Clubofepstein

Executive privilege protecting pedophile at the highest level!

Lawsuits against the Department of Justice - Who will feel the pain?

A "NEW" Biden family bank account of stolen American tax dollars by "NXIVM" supporters!!! The debates or the tapes., truth or lies?

How many of the "HUNTED" have already died?

Who voted to keep illegals in America at taxpayer expense?

The #Truth can no longer be contained, and it's driving the pedophiles for adrenochrome insane!!! #TheGreatAwakening bringing darkness to an end. "PATRIOTS" fueling the "LIGHT" and the days will be bright again, because all patriots can do now is...


2 days ago
2 days ago
So I think maybe GOD isn't coming to save us...it's like a bowling technique, HE has already rolled the strike, the pins haven't fallen yet, but faith says they will. I'm not reiterating "trust the plan", I'm saying it feels good knowing HE has all this laid out. When it seems dire, speak to him. It's not gonna be some last minute move that sets this country back on track. Just daily work on the relationship and readmitance of GOD into our daily lives, our schools, our courts, our government, our hearts, our homes, and our minds.
Suzi B
2 days ago
Do you like good music https://www.youtube.com/wa...
Suzi B
2 days ago
2 days ago (E)
How Many Other Life Forms are on Earth Besides Humans???

How long can the "liars" keep the truth from #WETHEPEOPLE ???

How long can the lies of #NASA stand, before all the sleepers wake in the land?

Classified, classified, classified, because the goal is to hide the other beings who live inside of the atmosphere of earth. How many craft have been produced at Area 51 Will the next false flag be by spacecraft that has been created from downed ufos

Future Proves Past


2 days ago
Are the MAGA Loving Texans Getting the HAARP Treatment???

Severe storms leave nearly 800,000 homes, businesses without power!!!

Well, the "TREASON" continues to flow, with digital soldiers and patriots in the know about the Nikola Tesla weather machine that's part of the #Deepstate show.


The more the #agentsofsatan do, the more "WE THE PEOPLE" see!!!


No Justice No Peace


#HAARP if you know, you know and have been sitting in a #QPlusQ show!!!

dotti Dotti LEE
2 days ago
Alexander MacCallum
3 days ago (E)

The Word Became Flesh... And Dwelt Amongst US...

"Wayfarer has Been Telling US 4 Years... Please Don't Post a Link without First Adding... At the Very Least... A Brief Description of the Video/Article that You R Posting... Many Have Decided... For Whatever Reason... Not to Comply... Many have Decided to Pop a Squat and Run... Like Picking Door Number 3 in the Final Round of Let's Make a Deal... Okay... Let Me Click on This... And See What I Get... After 7 Years in Pursuit of the Truth... I Watch Very Few Videos... I Skim 4 the Truth... I Very Much Appreciate and Have Always Appreciated those on this Platform that Have Taken the Time to Add a Little Bit of Color to the Articles and/or Videos that They've Posted... Ultimately, the Color that You Add is Giving All of US a Part of You... Thank You... It is Just a Matter of Time Before the Technical Glitches on this Platform R Resolved... Until Then... I'm Afraid that We've All Been Reduced to Communicating with One Another the Old Fashioned Way... With 'Pen and Paper"... Something Tells Me that this was Not an Accident... We R Being Forced to Reevaluate the Way We Communicate with One Another... We R All Being Forced to Communicate, Once Again, Using Our Words... "
3 days ago
What a bunch of lying SOBs. An amazing thing.
Alexander MacCallum
3 days ago
#DavidShurter #RabbitHole

"From the nationwide satanic panic in the 1980s to local political cover-ups, shocking kidnappings, unsolved child murders, and scandalous pedophile rings, this book takes you behind the deceptive headlines and, finally, reveals what was going on in Omaha when all hell broke loose. Rich and well-connected members of Omaha’s elite carried out unspeakable acts of abuse and even murder on innocent children. David Shurter was one of those sexually abused survivors forever scarred by the horrible rites performed on him by his own parents and other followers of Satan. It wasn’t until he entered psychotherapy in midlife that long ignored childhood memories came to light, and when he discovered his gruesome nightmares were indeed real. This book, finally, is an expose of the surprising participants and unbelievable horrors involving murder, drugs, lavish parties, pedophiles, suspected government conspiracies, and the Omaha gay scene that cast a dark cloud of suspicion over an unsuspecting city. David Shurter takes you down the rabbit hole...
https://www.amazon.com/Rab... "
3 days ago
Alexander MacCallum
3 days ago
#LostInTheSauce #FoxNews

"An Ohio bar's new policy banning customers under 30 years old on weekends has sparked a heated debate on the business's social media account.

"Starting this weekend! 30 & up on Friday and Saturday nights. Cover charge starts at 10PM, and the doors close at 1:15 A.M. No exceptions!" Donerick’s Pub in Groveport announced May 1 on its Facebook page.

The business owner did not explain what the reason for the change was. However, in replies under the post, the bar said the new policy was to enforce safety after experiencing a surge in customers on weekends.

"Keeping our customers safe is our top priority!" it added.The policy announcement came three days after an apparent naked brawl happened outside the bar, according to The New York Post.

A video posted to social media and tagged with the bar's location shows a naked woman tussling with another fully dressed woman as they pull each other’s hair in the parking lot.

Since announcing the change, the bar's social media page has been inundated with hundreds of comments.

Several customers hailed the decision and even suggested weekend services should be restricted to 35 or 40 years old and up. Other customers said they would be ditching the business because of the decision. "The best decision, 35 would be even better. This generation is just lost in the sauce. It’s sad, I hope this makes the difference," But skeptical that this move would actually deter rowdy customers... "
dotti Dotti LEE
3 days ago (E)
4 days ago
This man is certainly a waste of space…
Alexander MacCallum
4 days ago (E)

"We just watched a sanguine and long and emotion-filled video posted by Pascal Najadi, a retired Swiss investment banker and filmmaker, released on May 8th 2024. In this video, Mr. Najadi whose Father, Hussain Najadi, started the World Economic Forum along with Klaus Schwab reported that all was good and all was well and we were all to stop worrying and let the military "take care of us" and everyone be happy. Excuse me, Mr. Najadi, that's how all this started, that's how this horrific mess developed. All of this abuse and theft and "mischief" has been under the auspices of the military, ours, albeit with the skillful misdirection of the Brits. We can't help but notice the extreme similarity between the future that Klaus Schwab described, "You will own nothing and be happy!" and the future you are describing "Just let the military "take care of everything" and be happy". How do we know that Klaus Schwab wasn't promoting exactly the same result, to be initiated the same way, by the same players? Maybe he wanted to use the Civil Service instead of the Military Service for administrative purposes, but it adds up to the same thing, doesn't it? "There, there, dear don't worry your little head about it we'll take care of you; we're the Nanny State. All you have to do is whatever we tell you, and be happy!" Wasn't that George H. W. Bush's campaign theme song, "Don't Worry Be Happy!" a song about being happy with nothing...

Alexander MacCallum
4 days ago

And Now a Word from the Fiduciary of the United States of America...

Funny, I've Never Heard Juan Talk about Anna... Hmmm...

"As we technically own all the Federal Reserve Notes issued against our assets and own the debt they represent as a debt owed to us, plus seven to ten times that much in secondary credit issued under the fractional reserve banking system, and are owed the return of all mortgages paid by people who actually are Americans, ditto all property taxes, income taxes and bonds, insurance interests, stocks, etc. We are requiring the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury Department to release the Federal Reserve Notes and other stockpiles of uncut Kennedy Dollars for immediate exchange with our prepaid credit certificates...

http://annavonreitz.com/no... "
dotti Dotti LEE
4 days ago
Another part of the 711 Occult aka hidden books of the Bible.
Remember the 711 convince stores. The advertisement:
Oh, thank Heaven for 711.
They mocked us for not knowing they hid all the books of the Bible.
They also have the library of Alexandria in the Vatican basement.
They lied and stole everything from all of us.
Suzi B
4 days ago
Here's a question for anyone out there who cares to comment. I am very interested in something and have been wondering how it might turn out. Maybe you all can comment as I really do NOT have a clue as to the answer. We keep being told that Bye Den died a few years ago and that he is being played by the actor Arthur somebody or another......so my question....when the time comes for so called Buy Den to pay for his crimes .....does this actor actually get hanged at Gitmo or does he get a get out of jail free card since he was playing the part??? Personally, I hope he fries for deceiving the world and will the actor playing him also receive the Presidential pension the rest of his life??????
5 days ago
In Joey’s dreams…
5 days ago
My cartoons go through but not other posts..
6 days ago
Ho hum. So Trump somehow manages to thwart their voting cheating system and wins. What does he win? A house totally burned to the ground overrun with cockroaches. The 'election' will be way too late. There won't be anything left of the country. I'm starting to root for the Red Hats - at least they will take a lot of them (cabal) out so we won't have to keep dealing with them. I can't see any 'plan' that can save the country if not implemented long before the election. Would gladly be wrong, but there's no evidence the population is 'waking up'. They are still dumb shitheads if not awake by now.
Truth Trawler
7 days ago
This will be the END OF THE D party.
You, THE PEOPLE, have the POWER.


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