11 days ago
HE spoke, and it was.
WE speak, and it is.
Verbal language is frequency and vibration, so speaking to no one is effective to the "cloud". It's not a cloud, but compare our strength of verbal communication to the dark side's "cloud" of electronic pollution. Speaking to someone, or in unison, is more powerful. Song, laughter, even wailing is effective in affecting our reality. This, they can not stop, and this, is exponentially more powerful, we have just been silent for too long.
Continue laughing to yourself about the wonders of the Creator, at the very least. Sing to make the flowers bloom, and speak of love and compassion to clear the "cloud".
Sending love!
Alexander MacCallum
15 days ago (E)

"Why is everything always so messed up?

Not just in whatever daily obstacles people face, but in the whole world, always, predictably messed up, and it never changes. Why? With his attention fixed on this question, acquisitions and gambling faded into the background. He sat down, proverbially, and thought about it while continuing to pursue some scientific inquiries that he also had in hand at the time. And then, it happened. He saw how his scientific inquiries into brain wave functions, emotions, and frequencies of energy all dove-tailed, and were the answer to the much larger question. There are two separate frequencies associated with two emotions: 528 vibration is associated with love, 741 vibration is associated with hate. Simple as that.We unconsciously attune to these frequencies broadcast into the environment around us, or we consciously choose which frequency we operate on like choosing one radio station over another. And there you have it. The answer to why everything is always messed up. It's because we are being unconsciously manipulated into reflecting and resonating the hatred being "broadcast" into our environment, instead of consciously choosing to tune into the frequency of love, instead. So, as the ancient scriptures all tell you, you are faced with a choice. You can listen to LOVE.528 on your "radio" dial, or HATE.741. And it is entirely your choice. Choose life. Choose love.

https://annavonreitz.com/q... "
MI - 528 Hz | pure tone | Solfeggio Frequency | Transformation, Love and Miracles (DNA Repair) - YouTube

MI – 528 HzIntent: transformation and miracles (DNA repair)Tone ‘Mi’ is used to return human DNA to its original, perfect state. This frequency brings transf...

2 months ago
When Trump's Around, How Do World Patriots Feel???

They feel a "GOOD" vibration!!!





Dark To LIGHT!!!

2 months ago
Chakra, Vibrations, the Energy of "SPIRIT!!!"

How much of the human body and its function have been concealed for power, greed, and control? How many world patriots are coming into the knowledge of the hidden powers within the human body?

POSITIVE and negative energy, one that heals and the other kills. Creator and Collective are positive energy, and wars, division, hate, vaccines, violence, and satan are negative energy. It's important to "NEVER" believe what one hears, but to seek that #Truth on our own.




#Cancer #Chemo
3 months ago
Hugs are Powerful!!!

They spread positive vibrations into the "UNIVERSE" when "we" hug somebody. if you see someone on the street with their arms open looking for a hug, "DON'T" reject them, but embrace them.

Sometimes "KARMA" will come back right away, and good or bad, the return on our actions towards others is tenfold.







3 months ago
In a Quest to Unite "All" Faiths in Prayer for the People of Gaza..

Dubai releases Dulook DXB app for most accurate prayer times globally

No matter the faith, there is only one "Creator and the Collective" that serve to bring kindness, respect, and love to "ALL" people of all religions that serve the "Almighty."

The Muslim faith has five prayers times a day, and three that are mandatory. If the rest of the religious faiths of the world will sync up with Muslim global prayer times, a powerful vibration of "LOVE" will change our planet as #WETHEPEOPLE know it today.

Be it a prayer, meditation, or just five minutes of silence at a same time as the Muslim prayer schedule will bring the unity and "LIGHT" upon the people. It is the heart, soul, and "Spirit" and if who is being followed is GOOD," and not evil!

Our words and actions define who "WE" really are, not a religion, Book, wealth, or name!!! We are "ALL" heart and soul, the same!!!



3 months ago

Words are a very powerful thing when spoken can make a heart sing or break it to pieces and make one's ears ring. Words have the power like a hornet to sting.

Words can be positive that spread good vibrations or negative the bring negative sensations. Words can inspire to take desires higher, and they also have the ability to kill and make "us" become criers.


3 months ago
It's the "LITTLE" Things We Can Do in Life to Get Someone to Smile that Matter!!!

A smile is priceless, and most of the time filled with so much "LOVE" you can feel it. Creative minds are moving in our world to make it a better place by spreading kindness, "LOVE," and respect for one another.

Random acts of kindness are spreading, recorded, and posted, and a vibration of 'POSITIVITY" is starting to resonate in cities and towns all over the world. It doesn't cost a penny for "ANYONE" to share a smile and get one back.

Another way to get someone to smile with genuine "LOVE" is streaming on the internet and something that should be emulated, because it's...





3 months ago
The More "LOVE" Shown, the Bigger the Hug is in Return!!!

When we show "our" love to anything human, plant, or animal, it will be returned tenfold, and memories of "LOVE" never are forgotten as we get old. Embrace that "LOVE" while it's here, because we never know if we'll get another year.


Please help raise the vibration today, by hugging someone you "LOVE" in a special way. Take the time to say, even if it's just an embrace...



3 months ago
Three "KEYS" to the "UNIVERSE!!!"

The more #WETHEPEOPLE know...



Healing with frequency and vibrations

Frequency - YouTube

Frequency is a film about Light and Dark Frequencies. https://www.godinanutshell.com/The film Frequency takes a journey into the world of energy and holistic...

3 months ago
Blessings Created by Good Teachers Will Always Return!!!

How can you tell you're in a classroom with a good teacher? Their vibration resonates through each and every individual in the classroom, good or bad, happy or sad, big or small, short or tall.

That "GOOD" teacher treats her students as her own, and what every parent dreams of when they send their child to school. That they'll have someone who will nurture and care for them as their own.

Today, the "UNIVERSE" sent me a story of "LOVE" to share with the world, and put a classroom, teacher, and her "SPECIAL" gift from God in the "SPOTLIGHT" to remind each and every one to hug someone you "LOVE" and care about today.

Today might be all God gives you, and if you see tomorrow, "He's" blessed you to give a smile and hug again. Every day we wake up and see the sun rise, take a deep breath and put our feet on the floor, "we" win!!!





Happy Tuesday Patriots!!!

Teacher is surprised at work by her Soldier son homecoming! 🥰 - YouTube


4 months ago
"The System"













Kryon's Powerful Message — The Akashic Path to Enlightenment - YouTube

Kryon teachings have profoundly impacted my life. Kryon brought me to the peace, joy and love. I hope sharing these teachings will help more seeking souls be...

5 months ago
Award-Winning "Q" Show That Will Be a Classic Forever!!!

How many patriots caught the H.W. Bush funeral show, and were in the know about the envelopes in the programs? How many patriots watched the "deep state" agents of satan exchange glances, and whispers before the Commander-in-Chief of the 19th New Republic and his wife walked in?

The energy changed along with the vibrations. One by one envelopes were unsealed and upon them the printed words informing the agents of satan that the damage was done, and it wasn't the "TRAITORS" who won. Many still didn't believe it was true, but digital soldiers and patriots who were following "Q" always knew...


#Truth can no longer be contained




Truth was hidden in plain sight, but the "FAKE" news looked the other way, to keep the "sleepers" from asking or thinking how things might not seem right. The #GreatAwakening is upon planet Earth, and nothing can stop i
What Was In The Envelopes? President George H. W. Bush Funeral 12-6-2018 - YouTube

What was inside of the various envelopes that were discretely distributed to many high ranking United States politicians including former presidents during t...

6 months ago
Truth, Kindness, and Love???

How many people really understand the meaning of each word?

How do "we" tell the people we "LOVE" how to avoid the road to hell? How we treat one another makes all the difference in the world, and the more "LOVE" we share puts out a vibration and the world can see that you care.

Treat the ones you "LOVE" like they're valuable!!!


#Truth #Love #JordanPeterson

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